Friday, March 26, 2010

My P90X Journey

I have decided to start a P90X blog, just for those out there in google land. Maybe this will help someone else or maybe it will help me or maybe it will just be a bunch of nonsense. I'm not sure, but I'm doing it anyways.

Today is day 7 of my P90X Journey and I am eating the Island Pork Tenderloin Salad( Fabulous, By the way!!) I decided to do the nutrition plan with the workouts, because I want the best result possible. The nutrition plan is really amazing!! The portions are huge! Most of the food is delicious so far, and i am really enjoying eating a lot. I know that sounds funny, but I'm an eater, and so a "diet" is where you take in less calories, that's not so fun for me, this on the other hand feels like it be the first 7 days of the rest of my life!! If I can eat this much food just as long as it's the right food, then that's going to change everything!

Okay, so as far as the workouts go, I have loved all but the Yoga! Ouch!! I mean when I think Yoga I think nice stretching and what not, but this was excruciating and totally extreme!! But, I know as soon as I get it down, I'm gonna love it!! Favorite workout so far has to be Kenpo!! I did it last night and I sweated like I've never sweat before! It was fun and went by quickly and felt amazing!! You really feel like you've accomplished something after you've done it!

One thing I have a problem with is the beachbody system and their money hungry ways. I'll get over it. That's one reason I made this blog. But after each workout they say go to for recipes and support blah. blah, blah. Well, guess what? All that costs $. It's retarded!! Ugh! I am all ready pumping them enough cash flow. I have bought their recovery drink (i don't care what anyone thinks about how much it cost I know all ready it sucks) but I love it!! It tastes great! And it is like a little reward for me after I worked my butt of. I also ordered their protein bars (accidentally) and love them too!!!!!!!! Am really hoping to learn how to make my own though.

Okay, all that is just blabbering. It's day 7 I feel great, I'm eating great, I'm totally excited to see the finished product, but also nervous, because I'm like Oh my gosh what if nothing changes!! Ha Ha!! I'm sure that's not possible but that enters my mind. Stay strong anyone who trys this!! I know it's gonna be great!! Talk again next time!!!!!!!!!